Noto Anamizu Town - 能登 穴水町

Purchasing Japanese Traditional House in Noto

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remote countryside rural workspace share house office satellite office in Ishikawa Noto Japan

There will be a new INAKA Backpacker House in Noto! We are purchasing a new house for people to experience the countryside “INAKA” in Noto, Ishikawa Prefecture.

We plan to turn this new house into an INAKA lifestyle experience house! People can reside for short and long term periods, while utilizing the space for such things as a regular workspace, remote workspace, shared house, shared office, satellite office, space to experience a countryside, etc.

remote countryside rural workspace in Ishikawa Japan 石川県 穴水町 焚火 薪料理 焚火 田舎暮らし

It will serve as a multi-purpose INAKA experience house.

There are about 10 private rooms to rent. There will be shared rooms such as a living room, kitchen, bathroom, etc.

beautiful village countryside in Anamizu, Ishikawa, Japan

The house is in a peaceful village by the bay in Noto Peninsula. Within walking distance, there is a quiet gulf that looks like a lake, a small mountain, a river, and more!

Noto area is very easy to access from Tokyo. It’s only a one – hour ANA flight from Haneda Airport to Noto Airport. From Noto Airport, it takes just 30 minutes to reach the INAKA Backpacker House!

On the property, there is a small farming space to grow fruits and vegetables, if you would like. You can also fish from shore at a park by the gulf. You can try to self-sufficiently live by growing and catching your own food! There will likely be a small space available for a campsite, with parking available for a campervan.

If you are interested in renting, would like to secure a room prior to the opening of the house, or are simply interested in checking out the space, please message me directly.

We will prioritize on a first-come-first-serve basis. Please note that there will be some terms and conditions as well as a quick interview procedure because it is in a small countryside village.

remote countryside rural workspace shared house office satellite office in Ishikawa Noto Japan

Oh! in addition to above, we probably will make our small space available in a garden for campers, our parking space as campervan parking, and garage for bicycle travelers.

We will update with further details regarding the location and our grand opening. We are hoping that it will be between the end of December 2018 and mid-January 2019!

Who may be suited for this INAKA Countryside Experience House?

Are you looking for a place to experience the countryside in Japan? Looking for a quiet place to work remotely in a quiet countryside? Write a book, stories, blog, script, programming, building a webpage, acupuncture practitioner, farmers, fisherman, etc?

Seriously planning to move to the countryside but want to try out the experience before moving for real? Thinking about relocating?

Looking for a mid to long-term vacation house in the countryside? A base or hub to experience while you are staying in Japan?

Could you work from home or elsewhere? Is your work location flexible? Company worker? Freelancer? Nomad worker?

This house may be a great place to stay!

remote countryside rural workspace shared house office satellite office in Ishikawa Noto Japan

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IKU - INAKA Backpacker


1979年1月生まれ、東京生まれ鎌倉と米オレゴン育ち。鎌倉の中学校卒業後、オレゴン州の高校と大学を卒業。現在、石川県鳳珠郡穴水町岩車在住。ソニーやPR会社で広報業務に約10年間携わり、2010年10月、ライフスタイルの選択肢を増やすべく、日本の田舎/地方を中心に、テント・寝袋・自炊道具などを担いだバックパッカー旅を開始。以後2年半にわたり旅を続ける。「テント」ベースから、2012年5月以降は「バン」ベースのバックパッカーになりバンライフ開始。2013年5月、人口約100人の限界集落 能登半島・石川県穴水町岩車に移住。現在は、「田舎への旅」と「田舎でのライフスタイル」の二つを軸に、田舎旅やライフスタイルの情報発信、都市部の人たちが能登の暮らしを体感できる「“ざっくばらん”な田舎ライフスタイル体験」の提供を行なうほか、東京のスタートアップ/ベンチャー企業、移住先・能登や静岡県の中小企業の広報サポート、地域活性プロジェクトサポートにもリモートワークで従事。また、ブログやウェブ制作、写真、執筆活動なども行なっている。移住先で自宅がある岩車の隣の地区 穴水町川尻では、シェアハウス・サテライトオフィスなど多目的・多機能の「田舎バックパッカーハウス」、そこに併設する“住める駐車場”であり長期滞在可能な車中泊スポット「バンライフ・ステーション」も運営。現在、東京の“バンライフ”のCarstay(カーステイ)で広報責任者として関わりつつも、静岡県島田市で幻のきのこ“はなびらたけ”「ホホホタケ」を生産する大井川電機製作所、石川県輪島市では国産漆だけでアート作品をつくる“芯漆(しんしつ)”の山崖松花堂などの広報を担当する。移住先・石川県穴水町岩車で育てられた牡蠣の販売もサポートする。


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日本初の住める駐車場・車中泊スポット「バンライフ・ステーション」併設型 シェアハウス in 能登・石川県穴水町


Selling Oyster from Noto Anamizu Iwaguruma Ishikawa 能登 穴水町 岩車 牡蠣販売
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  3. 石川県 子育て,石川県 移住,石川県 移住者,穴水町 子育て,穴水町 小学校,穴水町 川尻,穴水町 移住者,能登 田舎, 能登 移住者, 田舎 学校, 田舎 小学校,向洋小学校
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vanlife RV station バンライフ 車中泊 車旅

Pickup Post

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